Big Climb to the Top delves deep into the intricate realm of contemporary bureaucracy. This project investigates the fundamental connection between office employees and the modern bureaucratic system, highlighting the resilience of individuals as they persevere through surreal and challenging situations. It promotes an unyielding quest for authenticity and a yearning for genuine connections within an environment that frequently strips away humanity.

Art direction, 
Editing, Design and Printing
Nicole Tan YingLi
168 x 210 mm 
(150 pages)

softcover (Screwpost Bound, String Tie)
To get your very own



{ Daily Joyride to the Office }

Time to take the train to work. Maybe you should call for a cab, but do you even deserve a cab with your current pay grade?

{ 9 levels of hell }

If humans have crafted a version of hell, rest assured it manifests at 9 am in the form of a meeting. 

Outdated Technology
{ slow laptop, fast-paced environment }

When you have to work on your old laptop that sounds like its going to jet off when you turn it on and take an hour just to turn on, its either time to dissociate on your phone.

Take a shit
{  Throne Fit for a Productivity King }

Why take a shit at home for free when you can get paid for it at work? Time is money. 

Lunch Time
{  Gourmet at 800 Watts  }

From Gourmet Dreams to Sad Steam: Unleashing Culinary Woes with the Microwave Extraordinaire. Food made for a work machine!

Security Access Procedures
{ Beep ; Enter ; Beep ; Enter ; Beep ; Enter }

Could you tell me what our company is protecting these computers from? Aggressive typing? 

Paper Work
{  Single-Handedly Sustaining the Forest Industry at My Desk  }

If you added all the paper you used throughout your time in this office, you could build a ladder to success.

Team Building
{ Building teams because working together is not enough }

Nothing Says 'Unity' Like Forced Fun and Trust Falls

Water Break
{ Let’s congregate around the cooler like its telling us something interesting }

If your hour in the toilet didn’t grant you enough time away from work, congregate around some inanimate object with your office buddy and act like you are discussing something important. 

Office Jargon
{ Let’s just say a lot of nothing because its time to go home. }

Let's leverage our synergies and brainstorm innovative solutions to streamline our workflow, ensuring seamless integration with the latest tech stack and enhancing our deliverables, ultimately maximizing our ROI and staying ahead of the competition.

Log Off;
Shut Down
{ Work is a revolving door }

What did we do today? Idk . But I guess at least we spent some time trading time for money.

Sed Faucibus Condim, Cras Gravida, Pellente